Balancing Discipline and Enjoyment for Fat Loss Success

I am just going to start by sharing my personal transformation, since I will refer back to it several times…

I apologize for the pale ghost on the left..

I apologize for the pale ghost on the left..

I've actually never posted a transformation photo online until today. Part of the reason is that I rarely use my personal social media accounts, but also because I felt like I've never had anything to show.

So what really happened?

Summary of the Fat Loss Results

On the left, I am about 225 lbs and, at the time, thought I was looking pretty good. Ten weeks later, on the right, I am about 207 lbs, and I still have a ways to go. It's funny how a side by side transformation photo can really help you evaluate yourself for the future... because I now know that I probably should've cut my bulk short well before I reached that point on the left.

Even though this transformation doesn't look like much, to me, it represents all of the hard work and discipline it took to get here. I'm not going to go through my entire fitness journey here, but as I have been cutting and the fat has been slowly dropping, I'm seeing a more muscular body I've never seen before... and that is extremely rewarding.

I wanted to share the fact that I've made these changes while still enjoying my life and not sacrificing all of the joys that life has to offer.

You Lost Weight Doing What?

Here are just a few maybe unconventional things I did between both of the photos:

  • Ate pizza about once a week

  • Played golf several times and consumed several beers during the round (it enhances your play)

  • Consumed fast food about once per week

  • Went out to grab drinks with friends frequently

  • Ate sugary cereal (heart eyes emoji)

  • Didn't strictly track for two to three weeks

Finding the Balance Between Discipline and Enjoyment

I could have probably added a few more things to the list, but I think I've made my point. The point is that you can still be somewhat flexible with your diet and continue to lose weight, especially if you have a plan. Given that statement, I am not endorsing that everything on that list is something you should do and can effectively lose weight doing since everyone is different, but I am saying that there is room for flexibility and enjoying yourself while dieting.

When I say, "especially if you have a plan," I mean that if you set, for example, a macronutrient goal to reach, then plan around that! Say my friends invite me to go out on a Friday night, what I will do on Friday then is have an idea about what I might eat or drink that evening, and then try and fit my other meals around that to end up close to my original macronutrient or caloric goal. This way, I can ensure that I am not sacrificing my time with friends for my fitness goals. At some point in a cut, it may be prudent to be a little more strict, but that generally doesn't apply to a person who is not competing for a bodybuilding show or is aiming for a specific bodyweight percentage target.

For me, discipline in life is important, but enjoyment of the things life has to offer is also something I place a high value on. I don't want to be the coach that tells you that you can't enjoy the amazing foods and drinks that your community has to offer, or that you probably shouldn't go out with your friends because you might be tempted to order something that won't reach your goals. I just encourage you to have a plan.

An important part of sustainability is balance. I know that I can still reach my goals and enjoy the things I want to enjoy at the same time, so I'm going to do that. I hope that you feel the same way as you approach your fitness journey. The journey isn't only about growth in a physical sense, but also a growth of the entire person. That's a value that both Andrew and I hold in our approach to coaching because it is sustainable and fulfilling. 

Andrew and I are always thankful for those that read our blogs, and if you haven’t checked out our Instagram yet, there is just as much information there that we enjoy sharing to help people reach their goals.

We also have coaching spots currently available, if you are interested, click here!